
His Way…Mine

My Tribute to Dick Baker - Outstanding Musician and Minister

By Dr. Stephen Boalt, Founder, South Gate Ministry Media
Special to ASSIST News Service

DALLAS, TX (ANS) -- I recently received the following message from John Simmons, Dick Baker’s son-in-law in which he shared: “Last night (September 5, 2011) my father-in-law, Dick Baker, went home to be with the Lord. He suffered with Parkinson’s Disease and the last year has been particularly tough, but he gave it a good fight.

Dick Baker
“He was a trooper until the end and was still trying to write a song or witness to an attendant at his assisted living facility, even as his health was failing. His life was filled with music and sharing the Gospel to all who would listen. He was such a blessing to all of us… what a joy to have been around him all these years. After our private family grave side service, we are having a Celebration Service of his life at: Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, TX, on Saturday September 10, at 2:00 PM.”

On a personal note, I first met Dick Baker 40 years ago at our National Church Musicians Conference in Boca Raton, FL at our Bible Conference. Major publishers, Ministers of Music and Church Musicians from around America spent a week each year Praising and Worshiping the Lord with the performance of new music.

Of course the music of Dick Baker was loved by all. As Dick sat at the piano, accompanying himself and singing many of his songs and choruses, I was always blessed and moved by the presence of the Holy Spirit in Dick’s life and music.

Dick’s music was always from the heart, written with a purpose. . .to Praise the Lord, evangelize the lost, encourage the forgiven and bring glory to God. May I humbly say that he succeeded and left a legacy of gospel music in print and recordings that will continue to bless the multitudes.
I had the honor of “filling in” for Dick at a Church Revival in a large church in Houston, TX. Dick needed to leave and the evangelist, (my pastor, Dr. Jess Moody) asked me to lead the music for the last four days. A couple of years later I was with Dick when I was leading the music for Dr. Richard Jackson, (the evangelist) at the Plymouth Park Baptist Church in Dallas TX where Rev. Bo Baker served as Senior Pastor.

Some of Dick’s Ministry Highlights:

Graduated from Baylor in 1949
Degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 1953
Minister of Music for Birchman Avenue Baptist Church
Music Evangelist – 1956 – 1978
Wrote and published more than 400 songs
Minister of Music/Associate Pastor Prestonwood Baptist Church – Dallas, TX
Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Dallas Baptist University
George W. Truett Award - Distinguished Church Service – Truett Seminary – Baylor University
L. R. Scarbrough Award – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dick Baker Chair of Music Missions and Evangelism established in 1992 – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Pictured with Dick Baker (center) are Kurt Kaiser and George Beverly Shea
In 1957, Dick was asked to help with the music for the Billy Graham Crusade in Madison Square Garden. Scheduled for two weeks, the crusade lasted 17 weeks. Dick was extended an invitation to join the Billy Graham team. However he felt led to join his brother Bo in full time Music Evangelism. The Baker Brothers served in the field of Evangelism for 20 years in America and Missionary Evangelism around the world. One of the first songs written by Dick and Bo Baker is the following:

His Way… Mine God has a place for every planned creation,
A path for every star to go.
He drew the course for every river’s journey.
Now I know He has a way for me.

Now in His will my soul finds life worth living.
Each day new blessings from above.
Tho shadows come and valleys seem unending.
Still I know He makes a way for me.
I place my life in the hands of God.
Those hands so scarred now outstretched for me.
Where ever it may be, over land, over sea,
May Thy will sublime, O Thou God divine, be mine.

My life is richer for having known Richard D. Baker, gifted musician, pianist and song writer, music evangelist, preacher who was always humble and ready to share the gospel with anyone who would listen. Thank you for your faithfulness to the call of God upon your life, as well as your transparent honesty and integrity. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. . .”
For more information about the life and ministry of Dick Baker please go to: www.hiswaymine.com

Rev. Stephen Boalt is a recording artist for Zondervan/Singspiration and has traveled 3 million miles into 35 countries, singing and preaching the gospel. He has served as the Executive Director of Fred Jordan Missions, L.A., CA, Radio Host and North American Ministry Director of Food for the Poor, FL and daily talk show host for KFSG-FM in Los Angeles, CA. He presently provides radio features for Rescue Missions and Christian Charities. For more information, please go to:www.steveboalt.org.

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